Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 12:56 pm

Dear Board of Accountancy Members, State CPA Society Representatives and Friends of NASBA,

As you may know, NASBA and the AICPA are moving forward with implementing a new Core and Discipline CPA licensure model under the CPA Evolution initiative, with the goal of launching a new Uniform CPA Exam in January 2024.

As part of this initiative, the AICPA is currently seeking licensed CPAs (from all areas of the profession) to participate in research for each Core section and associated Discipline sections of the new CPA Exam Blueprint. 

More than 400 active CPAs are needed to serve as volunteers for the study. Eligible volunteers who have supervised newly licensed CPAs within the last two years are needed to review and rate the proposed content for the new CPA Exam Blueprint. These volunteers will have the requisite work and supervisory experience in the respective areas covered by the content presented for review. 

The research will begin on/around November 1, 2021, and will require no more than two (2) hours, including a short training session. Interested and qualified CPAs are encouraged to complete a volunteer eligibility survey no later than Friday, October 15, 2021. 

Please help us spread the word about this important research opportunity by sharing this information with your respective state board and state society members, licensees, colleagues and contacts within the profession. To learn more about this important practice analysis research, please click the below button to download the CPA Exam Practice Analysis Background document.

Thanks in advance for your time and interest.



Volunteer Eligiblity Survey



Background Document