Thursday, February 27, 2020 - 12:00pm

The 2020 CPA Renewal Season is set to begin April 20, 2020. Now is a good time to review your CPE to be sure you have; enough & the right type of CPE,  proper documentation, and ensure your contact information is correct with the North Dakota State Board of Accountancy.

Enough CPE
A. Those performing accounting, auditing, management or financial advisory, consulting, bookkeeping, or tax services, for a client or an employer’s client, while holding out to the public as a licensee in this state, must have completed 120 credit hours of acceptable CPE in the immediate preceding three reporting periods and at least 20 credit hours each year.  This will change with the year ending June 30, 2022. For July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 the 3 year look back requirement to include 6 credits of ethics. 

B. All others who in any way hold out as a CPA or LPA in this state (except those on “retired” status, and those who include the term “inactive” when using the CPA or LPA title) must have completed 60 hours in the prior 3 years and at least 16 each year. This will change with the year ending June 30, 2022. For July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 the 3 year look back requirement to increase to 120 credit hours of acceptable CPE in the immediate preceding three reporting periods and at least 20 credit hours each year including 6 credits of ethics. 

Proper documentation
Documentation can be submitted in any of the following forms which must include your name, Sponsor name, number of credits awarded and date of attendance. These documents can be an attendance form from the class, a certificate of completion from the vendor or verification directly from the course provider.

Contact information
The NDSBA website has a new button at the top of the Home page. It’s the contact us link which looks like an envelope. Click the envelope to send an email directly to the North Dakota State Board of Accountancy office. You can send and email to updated contact information, ask questions regarding your license or to say “Hi!”

We generally reply within 2-4 hours but could take up to 24 depending on the time of day.